Literature List on the Benefits of Undergraduate Research

This is not meant to be an exhaustive list, but rather a summary of some of our favorite references. Enjoy!

General Calls to Do More Research
Boyer Commission. (1998). Reinventing Undergraduate Education: A Blueprint for America’s research universities. Stony Brook, NY: Carnegie Foundation for University Teaching.

Hart Research Associates. (2010). Raising the Bar: Employers Views on College Learning in the Wake of the Economic Downturn. Washington, D.C.: Hart Research Associates.

Presidential Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). (2012). Engage to Excel: Producing One Million Additional College Graduates With Degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Washington, D.C.: Excecutive Office of the President.

Benefits of Undergraduate Research

Denofrio, L. A., Russell, B., Lopatto, D., & Lu, Y. (2007). Linking Student Interests to Science Curricula. Science , 318, 1872-1873.

Hunter, A.-B., Laursen, S. L., & Seymour, E. (2007). Becoming a Scientist: The Role of Undergraduate Research in Students’ Cognitive, Personal, and Professional Development. Science Education , 91, 36-74.

Hunter, A.-B., Weston, T. J., Laursen, S. L., & Thiry, H. (2009). URSSA: Evaluating Student Gains from Undergraduate Research in the Sciences. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly , 29 (3), 15-19.

Kardash, C. (2000). Evaluation of an Undergraduate Research Experience: Perceptions of Undergraduate Interns and Their Faculty Mentors. Journal of Educational Psychology , 92 (1), 191-201.

Lopatto, D. (2004). Survey of Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE): First Findings. Cell Biology Education , 3, 270-277.

Lopatto, D. (2007). Undergraduate Research Experiences Support Science Career Decisions and Active Learning. CBE–Life Sciences Edition , 6, 297-306.

Russell, S. H., Hancock, M. P., & McCullough, J. (2007). Benefits of Undergraduate Research Experiences. Science , 316, 548-549.

Sadler, T. D. (2010). Learning Science through Research Apprenticeships: A Critical Review. Journal Of Research in Science Teaching , 47 (3), 235-256.

Seymour, E., Anne-Barrie, H., Laursen, S. L., & Deantoni, T. (2004). Establishing the Benefits of Research Experiences for Undergraduates in the Sciences: First Findings from a Three-Year Study. Science Education , 88 (4), 493-534.

Thiry, H., Weston, T. J., Laursen, S. L., & Hunter, A.-B. (2012). The Benefits of Multi-Year Research Experiences: Differences in Novice and Experienced Students’ Reported Gains from Undergraduate Research. CBE–Life Sciences Education , 11, 260-272.